May 7, 2024
Tax Lien & Tax Deeds Explained: Marcos Jacober "The Deed Hunter" gives a mini masterclass in Tax Liens & Tax Deeds

Marcos Jacober an expert in tax liens & tax deeds walks us through the opportunities in this niche market. He is an open book and provides his 7 step method that he uses when bidding at auctions. He provides valuable information from start to finish.
The Real Estate Explainer podcast is produced and hosted by Brian Kiczula. Brian has been helping real estate investors navigate the changing real estate markets since 2002. Brian is a licensed Real Estate Broker and Cost Segregation Specialist. The podcast features interviews with real estate industry professionals in niche markets across the United States.
Discussion points:
- How to use tax deeds to reduce tax liabilities
- Getting Started
- How to find deals
- Tax Liens vs Tax Deeds
- Redemption periods
- What to look out for
- 50% Thresholds
- Breaking down a transaction
- 7 Steps to follow when bidding at a Tax Lien / Tax Deed Auction
- Batman's Tool Belt
- Free Book
The Deed Hunter World
Real Estate Explainer