July 16, 2024

What Are Novations In Real Estate: Corey Geary's white glove approach to novations

What Are Novations In Real Estate: Corey Geary's white glove approach to novations

In this episode of the Real Estate Explainer,  Corey Geary walks us through his journey in Real Estate, Crypto Currency and moving to Puerto Rico. He offers a unique insight into Real Estate Novations. He discusses how he transitioned a real estate wholesaling business into a “white glove” real estate novation business. If you are interested in learning more about real estate strategies outside of retail real estate this is a must listen. 

You can get connected with Corey Geary at www.deficashflowsystems.com

The Real Estate Explainer podcast is produced and hosted by Brian Kiczula. Brian has been helping real estate investors navigate the changing real estate markets since 2002. Brian is a licensed Real Estate Broker and Cost Segregation Specialist. The podcast features interviews with real estate industry professionals in niche markets across the United States. 

Discussion Points:

  • Corey’s journey in real estate
  • Hard lessons learned when scaling a national real estate business
  • Generating inbound leads with pay per click advertising
  • Transitioning from wholesaling to novations
  • Structuring white glove service deals
  • Tips on setting up a successful novation transaction (Access, Time, Condition) 
  • What not to do in a novation transaction (Sign a POA, Sign the Deed)
  • Leading with cash offers
  • His move into crypto currency
  • Puerto Rico & Act 60


Defi Cash Flow Systems

Real Estate Explainer
